

cloudscale Reloaded: in Best Hands

"Simple, yet beautiful" – our aim from the very beginning applies more than ever now that cloudscale has a new look. At first glance, it may seem as if everything has changed, but closer inspection reveals that our fresh appearance is simply an enhanced expression of what we have always been. We love it! How about you?

Old and new

Blue and green. Memorable lettering instead of far-fetched graphics. That is how we have always been known and how we want things to remain. There is, however, a striking difference: the new color tones look significantly fresher, and the clean lines of the font better reflect our identity.

The "o" is particularly eye-catching: it has been simplified from a speedometer logo to a color gradient, which not only represents performance, but also stands for simplicity, scalability and dynamics. With its high recognition factor, it is a design element that can be used in manifold ways in other places. (For those with an eye for detail, the point where blue touches green reflects the angle of the letter "c".)

A unified whole

The completely new design of the website is inspired by the colors and shapes of the lettering, thus creating an unmistakable appearance. The aim is for cloudscale to feel the same, in terms of first impression and ongoing cooperation alike.

It goes without saying that this also applies to daily use and to the engineering of sophisticated setups. It makes perfect sense for us to have adapted our cloud control panel and API documentation to the new design. Needless to say, we have in no way sacrificed the clear overview, and in addition to the new design, we have also further optimized usability.

As approachable as ever

Transparency has always been important to us. One aim of our newly designed website is to make relevant information even more accessible, and it goes without saying that we will continue to keep you updated with regard to new developments and our offers. Our contact options are also unchanged, so if you have any unanswered questions, please get in touch for a personal response. In line with our cloud being so uncomplicated, we will from now on simply call ourselves "cloudscale" without the ".ch" in everyday use.

cloudscale stands for professionalism. Our new, consistent look provides an even better reflection of this standard to the outside, making it clear from the outset that, at cloudscale, your project is not simply in the cloud, but in best hands.

Even more ourselves now,
Your cloudscale team

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